
Client overview

Rugby fans will know Sir John Kirwan as one of the best players to ever pull on the All Blacks jersey. But his impact off the field is becoming just as legendary, as Co-Founder of Groov.

Groov is an app that helps people improve their mental health. And they have a UneeQ way of meeting that goal through Digital JK.


prefer speaking to a digital human than a chatbot.


improvement to engagement rates.


say a digital human is easy to use and interact with.

As an autonomous digital human, Digital JK guides Groov users to a better, healthier nights’ sleep. His career as a sleep coach is centered on helping people understand their sleep characteristics and build a healthy sleep schedule.

We’re sure JK would speak to everyone who needed help if he could. But Digital JK is the next-best option, providing an engaging, supportive conversation whenever people need help and support.

Groov's science-backed methodology is designed to help organizations help their staff live healthier lives. Part of that involves breaking the stigmas surrounding mental health.

As a sporting legend, Sir John Kirwan is open about his own mental health struggles and successes. And now he's available to support users in their own journey – driven by Groov's mental health expertise and UneeQ's human approach to AI interactions.

ABout Digital John Kirwan

Embodying a mental health ambassador.

A well-known face in Groov's key market of New Zealand, it's important that people see Sir John Kirwan in his AI clone. They should recognize not only in his looks but his mannerisms and personality.

Our artists recreated JK's appearance, from the pores in his skin to his signature bold, black glasses. most importantly, we also captured the experience of interacting with the All Blacks legend.

For instance, Digital JK uses a clone of JK's voice. He can tell stories and cracks jokes. And thanks to our animation system, Synanim, he even acts like the real thing.

"We’ve already deployed Groov’s revolutionary digital wellbeing coach as a sleep coach to help people develop and maintain better sleeping patterns and routines. We can’t wait to expand to other core wellbeing areas."

Adam Clarke

Co-founder and Chair, Groov

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