Top takeaways: Mapping your brand’s journey into the metaverse

We rounded up pioneers from Dell Technologies, Digitas Australia and HH Global to discuss how brands journey confidently into the metaverse.

June 9, 2022
Top takeaways: Mapping your brand’s journey into the metaverse

Mapping your brand’s journey into the metaverse is no small feat. This is a totally new world; and the best examples of a metaverse today come in the form of video games – Roblox, Fortnite and even Minecraft.

And while there are certainly marketing and customer experience lessons to learn from video games, brands won’t enter and exist in the metaverse in the same way.

Like any journey, your brand’s adventure into the metaverse will always benefit from a guide. Someone who’s a few strides ahead and can tell you which steps are firm ground and where the pitfalls might lie.

So we rounded up pioneers from Dell Technologies, Digitas Australia and HH Global to share their knowledge and expertise. We also polled our webinar audience on where they are on their metaverse journey and what they find most valuable at this early stage.

Here are some of our top takeaways from the event.

What do brands want to know about the metaverse today?

When we asked a similar question in our February webinar, the majority of our guests wanted to know what the metaverse is. The low response rate today for this more basic question represents a fast growth in people’s understanding of the metaverse, as brand leaders move on to more tactical stages in their journey.

While the topics were all fairly evenly spread, the most common among them was an exploration of what technologies exist today to help brands with their metaverse projects.

Which of the following metaverse topics would you like to learn more about poll research | UneeQ Blog
  • What is the metaverse? 12%
  • How can brands benefit? 19%
  • What metaverse tech should we be exploring? 22%
  • Which brands have done interesting projects? 17%
  • What are some strategies to get internal alignment on metaverse projects? 12%
  • How do you measure success in the metaverse? 18%

Competitive analysis: Where are brands on their metaverse journey

If you’re concerned your competitors might be getting ahead of you in the metaverse, it’s important to remember you’re not too late, but right on time, to paraphrase Barry Fiske from Merkle.

The vast majority of professionals in attendance said they were still surveying the landscape before making moves into the metaverse. A quarter said they were actively creating a strategy. Only 5% were getting internal alignment, with a further 5% creating or running a metaverse campaign today for their brand.

Suffice to say, this isn’t a full view of all brands exploring the metaverse today. However, it does suggest that if you haven’t started exploring the metaverse at your organization yet, you’re not quite as far behind as the FOMO might have you believe.

Where are brands on their metaverse journey poll research | UneeQ Blog
  • Surveying the landscape: 65%
  • Creating a strategy: 25%
  • Working on internal alignment: 5%
  • Creating or running an active metaverse campaign: 5%
  • Measuring your campaign’s success and optimizing: 0%

Video recap: The top takeaways from our webinar – mapping your journey into the metaverse

We understand not everyone has the time to watch a full webinar these days. So we clipped up some of our favorite quotes, learnings and takeaways into this 3-minute (ish) recap video.

Among other insights, it features our guest experts from Dell, Digitas, HH Global and UneeQ touching upon:

  • What’s the scale of the metaverse opportunity?
  • Why now? What technology makes the metaverse possible today?
  • What goals you should set around the metaverse, and what mindset you’ll need going in?

Check out all the insights in our full, on-demand webinar

Sometimes, a few snippets won’t do it. If you’re looking for a more conclusive guide to mapping your metaverse journey, our full webinar is available for free below.

And if you want to explore how digital humans can accelerate your journey into the metaverse, check out this blog post for an overview, or get in touch for a free personal consultation – we’d love to help.